Monday, May 15, 2017

he's five.

post by casey.

oh my gosh...I love him:)

this comes from a place of love...but at this very moment (and for the last 2 weeks)...I'm READY for him to start school!!!!

homer turned 5 on May8th!! Let the record state that since before his 1st birthday - see HERE - I've been recording entires in a journal for him, about how sassy he is. He's still sassy;). But along with being somewhat of a handful, I'm showered with love from this kid It takes a toll on my mental health but this kid ends every day with a hug and kiss (and sometimes a headstand in bed;) and begins every day with a morning hug. I'm very fortunate that besides being a pretty consistent jerk...he's so incredibly loving and kind. Lets hope that all works itself out into a very passionate and kind and generous young man someday;)

the Sunday before Homer's birthday we had everyone over for, what's turning out to be, a traditional Breakfast-For-Dinner Dinner:)

the day of his birthday, Jacob took off work early so we could take him to dinner, Target to pick out a birthday gift (he chose a huge Nerf Gun:) and then the movies! Hi, Date Nights with your kids can get pricey!!!!! Luckily, we had planned ahead and I also had Gift Certificates to use at the movies. PHEW!!!

we had dinner at Applebee's, mainly because they sing you Happy Birthday.
We forgot to request that they sing Homer Happy Birthday...oops;). It was still a great time, we rarely get one-on-one time with the kids...together!
And the food was so so good:)

Let's Hug It Out t-shirt that Courts got Homer for his Birthday:)

It was great and Homer (we all:) loved it:)

and now just a few random photos of the days following his birthday...where no photo would be complete without the massive Nerf Gun and/or Darth Vader Hoodie he got from Aunt Pigg:)

and now, if you're up for it, a longgggg and emotional - only for me;) - trip down memory lane...brought to you by my brillianttttt idea to start a blog...where I can spend hours in bed at night, reminiscing and crying and crying and reminiscing;)

Homer's Birthdays:

a few things: apparently, we didn't get a 1YR photo in the chair! CRAP:( And honestly, with the 24MO thing - how embarrassing:/...eventually, I'm gonna photoshop that into 2YRS. First Time Mom crap;)

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