Friday, September 10, 2021


Well, HELLO! Happy Friday! We made it through another week of school and the kids are doing awesome! I feel like I still haven't really gotten a chance to truly enjoy this change in schedule and decrease in kids at home with all that's been going on but TODAY is the day;). I'm hoping to do some yoga, go for a walk with the 2 littles, shower...*just paused to sigh heavily;)*. I'm actually still a bit tired today. I've been dealing with a cold? covid? flu?. Jacob and I were up North for a couple nights for our 10 YEAR Anniversary - photo below and blog post to come:), so that timed out kinda perfectly for me to get some extra rest:).

Anddddd no morning where I wanna be Miss Positivity would be complete without The Big Guy (Jesus...Ike...Chubby Cheeks?;) putting me to the test!
Smokey shit in my plant...again.
Mae spilled a bowl of milk all over the table and floor.
Ike slipped in the milk that was on the floor and fell while I was in the middle of a phone call:/
Mae spilled a cup of coffee on my laptop while I was away from the table for 2 SECONDS.


Okay. So besides all that. It's all good;).
I actually really love these Randoms posts because they give me a chance to catch you up on little things we've been up to. To share a few photos we've snapped of our days. Any quotes or inspiration that have caught my eye. I've even got a whole slew of Chokecherry inspiration I'm hoping to share soon!

So with no further-ado...while Mae throws cat food from the cats dish to the floor and mixes it into their water dish...damn, kid! 

Chubby Cheeks David Smith - on my table...and counters.

a visit with my meet a new friend and their perfect little homestead:)

Theo Daisy + her buddy, Birdie!

Courtney sent this to me and danggggg if it didn't resonate. 

Jacob and I talked a bit about prayer while away for our anniversary. I used to write in cards that I would be 'thinking' of someone or sending 'positive vibes'...because I knew I wasn't actually praying for them and so I didn't feel I could just toss that around. I didn't say it and I wasn't doing it. But I think I might start doing it. And then saying that I've done it. That makes me laugh cause it probably seems so silly but, man...I'm bout' to start praying FOR PEOPLE:). And you know what...even if you don't like me or maybe even, especially if you don't like me...I think I'd be so grateful if you prayed for me too.

Boom Clap has been nailing it lately! Always loving their thoughtful discussion.

Within the first 4minutes of episode21 - Stakeholder Capitalism & a Rant on Illogical Mandates - they talk about how people are celebrating bending people to their will. For the most part, I feel the people who do want this vaccine, have received you have to wonder what is motivating the people who are choosing to now...fear?.
And I'm still reeling from the Presidents speech/announcement yesterday. 
No thank you. 
My thoughts...for now;).

Showing up where and when we can.

Homer was so excited to be a Team Captain at his last game! 

In his recent letter to Peyton, he told him how awesome it was that the coach bought the whole team a drink after they won their game! It still makes me smile thinking about how happy that made him:).

Our First Annual SBM Day;)

We're STILL working hard to get this dang house ready to sell! Just come fucking buy it! I'm over it!!!;)

An appointment that turned out to not have been properly scheduled (at me;) turned out to be a blessing...a couple hours alone to thrift!

I did end up going home with the little ottoman - for Theo's reading nook - and the church pew - for Chokecherry:).

Definitelyyyyyy gonna focus on the cuteness that is the little boys putting their cars in the fridge and NOT THE MESS THAT IS THE FRIDGE. Ew;).

adding this podcast - The Way Forward - episode as well…a lot of really good information here. 

A little sneak-peek of our time away for our anniversary:). 

Hoping to do a blog post on that and potentially, a little video! I'm not sure when Mae will give me enough of a break to do it and even when she'll require a mess that I'll be cleaning up after;). 

"It is not easy to accept that pain is part of this living, that hard emotions have their place and cannot be ignored if we are to move forward. We may have gotten used to pushing down, to avoiding, to pretending everything's fine. Sometimes, everything's not fine. You are not less for struggling, because to struggle is to be human. You are not alone, and you are not strange or wrong for feeling difficult emotions. Give yourself compassion when you need it most, this you are always deserving of."
                            - p.bodi

Happy Weekend! Enjoy this gorgeous weather, you guys!

Saturday, September 4, 2021

back 2 school.

This blog post is brought to you by a mom who just sent 3 of 5 kids BACK TO SCHOOL! I physically walked them across the street (man, I'm gonna miss the ease of living SO close to their school!) and took the obligatory photos - with the obligatory moaning and groaning;).

I've written and rewritten this post a few times already. Same old conundrum: how much to say; what not to say; what do I want to say.
These days I feel like I can relate just about anything back to Covid - right or wrong/good or bad. It's not that much of a stretch with everything that's going on, currently, and the kids going back to school. I'm sure some of you are sick of hearing about it. Some of you may not even think it's that big of a deal. Some even think I'm wrong in my beliefs. I get it...I've been each one of those as well, at one point.
But here we go anyway:).

Our kids are back to school. Only because masks aren't being mandated and only because St. Marys is an option for us. Otherwise, I was eager and ready to homeschool - which is still a very real option down the line but we'll cross that bridge if and when we get to it

Man. I'm proud of these little buggers:). Not only have they homeschooled AND done virtual in the last 1-1/2 years but the've endured a mom on a mission some days and one fending off some major demons on others. We've spent almost every waking hour together since we pulled them from school in March2020 but I think we were all ready for the chance to give it one more go in-person.

I would have never have guessed I'd have given a shit about masks. But over the last 1-1/2 years, I went from not allowing my family and closest friends into my birthing my baby in my living room, surrounded by them (thank GOD) and showing up at school board meetings to get kids out of masks.
The mask debate has become my 'gateway drug'. First, it's masks. Then, it's school board meetings. Next, conversations with the local Health Department. More recently, calling all 10 libraries in Clark County and some really good email exchanges with the local bus company. 
Some people are going to show up for the budget. Some will show up for the curriculum. Some put their energy into the concessions, while others take charge of the donations. Some are vocal and some are quiet...some keep the focus within their home and some start petitions. Every one of us is playing a vital role.

Jacob and I are new to this school stuff. Technically, we're only abouttttt 5 years in. And maybe that's too long for it to have taken for us to realize we needed to - that it was 100% necessary - to be involved in what was and is happening in these kids' schools. 
We started attending the School Board Meetings because of how we felt about them being forced to wear masks but we will continue to go because there is a lot more work to be done and we want to be a part of that. 

I want my kids to realize that not everyone will think the things they're involved in, passionate about or fighting for, matter. They might even believe what you're fighting for is a waste of time or plain wrong. Get involved anyway. Fight anyway.
Thankfully, YOU get to decide what and why something is important to you. YOU get to chose your line in the sand, the hill you'd like to try dying on. Not everyone will agree with you and even those who do, may not have it in them to meet you where you're at. That's OKAY. Follow your heart and let them follow theirs. Follow your gut and your instincts. Stay in your lane. You're needed there. 

Love over Fear.
Kill them with Kindness.
Don't say the FWord (that one's for Rocky;).

the week prior to school starting, we had a little Target night to grab last minute supplies:)

1st Day of School

Ike made an appearance in each photo - screaming/crying in the background because he wanted to go to school too!!!;)

day 2:)

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful 
than the risk it took to blossom.
- Anais Nin

Go get um', Smiths:)💛