i 'tossed' it onto the floor in a fit of rage and am now waiting the longggg 4 days to find out if it's salvageable or if I just spent up part of our tax returns on a new computer:/
those few days you go without your link to the outside world - and by outside world, I mean: DO BEN AND FELICITY GET BACK TOGETHER?!?!?!?!?!?!?;) - are quite eye opening. Day1: Regret. HUGE regret. I NEEEEDDDD MY COMPUTERRRRRRRRR. It's EVERYTHINGGGGGGGGG! Will I need a replacement?! Am I prepared to spend $1500 on a new computer? Am I prepared to spend $230 to fix my already shitty one?!!?!?! Day2: Fuck it.
anyhoo...it's nice outside and I'm finally feeling less than complete shit since my surgery but still tired and weakish - or maybe coffee, pop tarts and 2.25hrs of sleep just aren't enough fuel for an entire day?;)
So just good enough to not need 3 naps but still shitty enough that we can't really get outside and enjoy 36 degrees in February. Boo.
so we'll reminisce on some beautiful Wisconsin winter weather from just a few weeks ago!
only those living in Wisconsin...in January...can appreciate a rare 39 degree day!
so sledding!!!!!:)
14 kids. 4 adults. 2 dogs.
it took a fewwwwww too many casualties before the kids realized that walking back up the hill, into on-coming sledders, was a terrible idea;) And my dog puked - PUKED!!!! - directly on the sledding path. Twice.
Ah! 42 days totally sounds doable. And then we here in iowa are under a blizzard warning from late this afternoon till 6PM tomorrow. Essentially 24 hours of being forced to stay at home. Kicker is only 1-2 inches of snow is expected. Damn iowa Prairie flatness!!!!
ReplyDeleteDid you survive?! EW!! I can't say I've reached the "I'm over it" point yet but it is balls cold out there this wknd!! 33 daysssss till Spring;)!!!