Sunday, February 7, 2016

14 kids. 4 adults. 2 dogs and puke. We went sledding.

if you follow me on Instagram, you know that my Mac is currently out of sorts:/

i 'tossed' it onto the floor in a fit of rage and am now waiting the longggg 4 days to find out if it's salvageable or if I just spent up part of our tax returns on a new computer:/

those few days you go without your link to the outside world - and by outside world, I mean: DO BEN AND FELICITY GET BACK TOGETHER?!?!?!?!?!?!?;) - are quite eye opening. Day1: Regret. HUGE regret. I NEEEEDDDD MY COMPUTERRRRRRRRR. It's EVERYTHINGGGGGGGGG! Will I need a replacement?! Am I prepared to spend $1500 on a new computer? Am I prepared to spend $230 to fix my already shitty one?!!?!?! Day2: Fuck it.'s nice outside and I'm finally feeling less than complete shit since my surgery but still tired and weakish - or maybe coffee, pop tarts and 2.25hrs of sleep just aren't enough fuel for an entire day?;) 
So just good enough to not need 3 naps but still shitty enough that we can't really get outside and enjoy 36 degrees in February. Boo.

so we'll reminisce on some beautiful Wisconsin winter weather from just a few weeks ago!

only those living in January...can appreciate a rare 39 degree day! 

so sledding!!!!!:)

14 kids. 4 adults. 2 dogs.

it took a fewwwwww too many casualties before the kids realized that walking back up the hill, into on-coming sledders, was a terrible idea;) And my dog puked - PUKED!!!! - directly on the sledding path. Twice. 

once the kinks were worked out andddd puke was was a blast!

this Wisconsin winter has been SO mild. Good grief, I don't want to jinx it by even mentioning that. BUT it's been GLORIOUS!!! And 42 days till Spring. Totally.Doable.


  1. Ah! 42 days totally sounds doable. And then we here in iowa are under a blizzard warning from late this afternoon till 6PM tomorrow. Essentially 24 hours of being forced to stay at home. Kicker is only 1-2 inches of snow is expected. Damn iowa Prairie flatness!!!!

    1. Did you survive?! EW!! I can't say I've reached the "I'm over it" point yet but it is balls cold out there this wknd!! 33 daysssss till Spring;)!!!
