Sunday, April 16, 2017


post by casey...I repeat...By CASEY. Courtney is NOT pregnant. NOT. PREGNANT. Unless she's at home, secretly drafting up her own pregnancy announcement, that I'm unaware of...I KID. Courtney is NOT pregnant!

courts...I'm starting to doubt myself here...chime-in and confirm;)

adorable little announcement by my Friend, Kati:)

i'll start by saying that we're fortunate. Incredibly, incredibly fortunate. We're pregnant:) And getting pregnant has never been difficult for us. This is our 5th pregnancy - and I have to take a beat to let that sink in
We have 3 beautifully, feisty children:) We've suffered one miscarriage, which came as a shock. Ah, it's just something you never think about're forced to have to think about it:/ 
Homer's pregnancy was wonderfully uneventful and I'm so thankful for that because we were blissfully unaware that anything could go wrong, when we boarded a plane to Portugal/Spain when we were only 8WKS pregnant. I'm more thankful now, since having the miscarriage, to have been gifted a 'worry-free' pregnancy.
And then with pregnancy #2, we had a miscarriage and I gotta say...that put a whole different spin on pregnancies since. Speaking only of my experience and how I handle things...but from that point on, each pregnancy (especially, in those early weeks) has been tainted with a lottttt of fear and anxiety. Some of that having to do with the miscarriage and maybe some having to do with the fact that the older I get, the more I feel the weight of how incredible and delicate and insane and fascinating and life-changing in all.the.ways this experience is. How easily something can be happening one minute and not the next. Life...I tell ya.

oh, hi hormones. I've missed you;')

okay. That went down a miscarriage path I hadn't set out to take;) Anyway, I just wish so much good for anyone out there wanting or waiting on a baby or laying in bed tonight with their hand on their tummy, praying that it'll all be okay:)

a quote that still rings true, - found HERE:

"I don’t know why God gave me children effortlessly and withholds them from others who would make fantastic parents. But I know this: fertility is not a curse, it is a gift. It is a scandalous miracle."

moving on:)

me trying to get pregnant:

DAY1    i want to be pregnant

DAY2    i'm just gonna 'let it happen' charting...just go with the flowwww:)

DAY4    reading manual for fertility sticks
DAY4    downloading apps on phone

DAY6    when will we everrrrrrr beeeeee pregnanttttntntntntntnn!?!?!?!?

DAY9-13    unavailable. having all the sex (eye-muffs, mom;)

DAY17-19    spending obscene amounts of money on tests and taking them far too early to get a positive and then getting a negative and then being sad/angry/IRRATIONAL. These are not good days...for anyone;)

DAY20    FORGET IT!!! We're never gonna get pregnant! Do NOT touch me. 

DAY25    all is forgiven. We'll just try again next biggie!!!;)

is it obvious why it's a gift straight from Jesus to Jacob, that I get pregnant in only one month because who could handle this kind of craziness!??!;) And then we always get pregnant fairly quickly and then I'm all: I should have just chilled out;).

i found out we were pregnant the morning we left for our little get-away in Tulum, Mexico! I wasn't expecting a positive, at it was a really fun surprise to see that positive show up! I hung onto that information, planning to tell Jacob on the plane but then we ended up having some issues at the airport and didn't have seats next to each other:/ But once we got settled into our place and had headed straight to the beach, I surprised him with the news:) You'll actually see a little snippet of that in the video I made of our Tulum trip - that I hope to get posted in the next week or so:)

1st belly photo...4ISH-WKS and already committed to eating like a total tank;) TACOS.

you guys, 4 doesn't scare me at all. I mean, we have NO clue what we're doing and I get worried...but mainly, just worried about the baby being healthy and the pregnancy and birth going smoothly...andddd running out of money and time-out spots;) But having 4 kids running around this house is not one of those worries:) I think the scariest part for me, about being pregnant with our 4th, is that enough time has passed to be pregnant...with our FOURTH:( I've loved every minute of this process. I can't believe I'll have gotten to do it 4 times:)

by mid October, we'll hold another baby in our arms. We'll have 3 kids coming to meet their sibling at the hotel hospital!!!;) Homer's already coming up with names! Steve has come up way more times than I'm comfortable with;). Theo doesn't really get it and is confused about whether she'd like a brother or sister..."Do you want a baby girl like you? Noooo, you don't have parts like brother. You have girl parts. It's different. No. Definitely not. No. Don't take your underwear off! you want a cookie?";) but she does get excited when we talk about it and then immediately forgets:) I wonder if these will be her last few months as the only girl? 

*for those of you who don't know how we do things around these parts;)...we don't find out the sex of the baby until he or she is born and we keep the name a surprise as well. ALL.THE.SURPRISES!!!!!

we're 14WKS along. My ass, thighs, chin anddddd arms seem to be the only parts of me aware that we're pregnant;) Besides weight gain to those areas of my body - per usual...on track to gain those 50/55lbs;) - we're, very happily, symptomless!

and because, who doesn't like to are my pregnancy announcements for my other babies:)

i plan on having Courts take some weekly photos but probably only every few weeks or so. And if you remember, the above photo is one of 3: no belly, belly, baby:) 
I'll definitely keep you updated on the growing belly (still, impatiently, waiting on my breasts to show up;/) and how many offensive things people ask me about how old I am - after I tell them I'm pregnant (34, dick) and how full my hands are (just as full as my Taco Bell stuffed stomach, dickkkk) and if this was planned (SURE WASSSSSSSS) (dick.) and fun names we come up with and how many Cinnabons I inhale - I'm getting my 1st tomorrowwwwwwwwww!!!!:) 

Pregnancy #4. 
Cinnabons: 1. Cans of peaches: 7.

we're so happy:) Thanks for reading, you guys!:) Oh and unfollow now if you were hoping we were done at 3 cause...GIMMIE ALL DEM BABIESSSSS!!!!!!;)



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Kerry!!! We're pretty darn excited!!!:):) - Casey

  2. Casey we are so happy for you and Jake. Congratulations!

    1. Thank you, Joyce!!! We're beyond excited!!!:) 4 is gonna be so exciting!:) - Casey

  3. only time will tell, Roni! you just never know ;)

  4. Thanks, Roni!!! We're so excited:) You know never know but yes, she's incredibly jealous at the moment;) - Casey
