Sunday, March 11, 2018

another week without you...or a phone!.

post by casey.

this is coming in unedited (the photos) and with the Time Change (seems to have affected my husband more than the kids - it's 1102AM and he's still in bed I'm allowing him to sleep-in;).

i wanted to do a quick update, of sorts, because since the last 'update' - HERE - and getting you up to speed on my Social Media Break-ish, my phone actually completely shut down on me. I've been without phone for almost a week! Besides the technical shit that is upsetting in having your phone take a crap - like losing a weeks worth of photos, my entire calendar (I have NO clue what I'm obligated/committed to for the next 6MO!!!), meaningful text message conversations, etc - I had to make the daunting decision as to whether to even replace it (as if I could just go phoneless;) and what to replace it with (WHY SO EXPENSIVE!!!).

in the end, I decided to just file an insurance claim on my phone and for a $168 deductible, I'll be receiving a new iPhone 6s Plus in the mail some time tomorrow evening. My previous phone was paid off and I just couldn't stomach adding another $35-ish to our monthly AT&T bill for an $800/900 phone! Man...those prices! Also...I just have a love/hate relationship with technology and so I wish someone else could do all of this for me - I probably would have been told to be backing up to iCloud then?!;) And part of me is excited to get an empty phone and put ONLY the necessities back on it! When mine broke, I had over 2,000 photos and Pizza Hut on speed dial and just a bunch of crap that was bogging my phone AND life downnnnn. here's what I had from our week, all unedited - which I'd normally do on my phone. Taken with my little point&shoot - the one the kids use and drop multiple times a day. I'm actually considering buying something small/new/amazing to use now that I saved all that money on a phone. Any suggestions for a great point&shoot camera?!?!

we spent 3 days in WI Dells for our annual Smith Christmas Getaway - see last years getaway HERE:)
Full post to come on that - Courts might even show her face on this blog with a post on her version of our getaway!!!! It's a Smith Dells Christmas Miracle!!!;)

1 of the millions of photos I find on my camera after the kids have gotten a hold of it. This from Theo Daisy!!! She's got a real gift for photography and love for all things horse;).

this turd - RockyP - is officially in a BIG BOY BED/twin mattress on the floor;)!!! Good grief! SO happy to be distracted with a newborn because this hasn't yet affected me emotionally;).
He's doing SO well!

my specialty;). And don't let the jammie pants fool you, this photo was taken at about 527PM...Mom made dinner and is also in desperate need of a shower;).

this weather, you guysssss! Anything over 30 degrees with less than 10mph winds, in WI...MAGIC!

we walked to the library - Nash + Homer. They were in Lego Heaven!!

the fun and fighting and Legos continued at home;) - Homer + RockyP.

i'll be back from the stone age tomorrow! Phone should arrive by 5PM! These last few days 'unplugged' have really reminded me that I can go without...without texting, without a schedule (that's fortunate for me, as I know some/most couldn't live that flexibly), without the Internet in general! After all this I really hope to designate specific hours for playing around on my phone or full days (Sundays, maybe?) where we unplug entirely!

anyways, I miss you guys and can't wait to dive back in!!!!

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