Monday, November 27, 2017

you were supposed to bring the money: we almost didn't get a tree. but we did.

post by casey.

you guys, there was a moment where I said to Jacob: "knock it off before the 'Tree Guy' sees us for what we really are!!".

yesterday was crazy and Fake It Till You Make It rang true...although, we never did actually 'Make It' after all that faking;).
I don't think the 'Tree Guy' heard the arguments once we were in the van but I can't guarantee he didn't hear all my threatening whispers amongst the Christmas Trees while we were out in the wild;).

i'm so happy to have these photos because they don't tell the whole story but I doubt they'd make me even half as happy if I didn't have all those memories to go along with them!:)

ike had a blow-out.
theo had to take a dump.
homer was trying to be 'helpful'.
jacob was on the vergeeeeeee - he forgot his knife and couldn't get the tree secured to the top of the van:/.
rocky was chasing the chickens.
and both Rocky and Theo were basically ignoring us.

BUT we got a tree. And there was a moment - that moment we got home, after Theo had complained of having to pee and poop SO.BAD. the entire time we were at the Tree Farm and we rushed her to the house because surely we'd just made it after forcing her to hold it for the last hour - and she says: "I don't have to go, I'm good".
That's when Jacob and I looked at each other and laughed...manically. Cause...areyoufuckingkiddingme?!?!?!?!?!?

that being said...the rest of the night was a mix of Good Timesssss and Bad;). You win some and you lose a lot more, I suppose;). But at the end of the could not be more worth it. 
Looking back. 
Maybe not at the time. 
But now. 
Especially, after they go to bed at night;).

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