Tuesday, November 7, 2017

theo daisy: 3-1/2 years and rocky peyton: month 21 and 22 andddd 23.

post by Casey.

*this was drafted while I was 38+WKS pregnant...I still feel the same about them, since I typed this up...in love and mildly annoyed...at.all.times.;)*

these last few months have been flying by! I'm already 38+WKS pregnant and even though I didn't think that took up a significant amount of brain-space...apparently, it does cause I've basically left my other children on the sidelines to fend for themselves;)...at least when it's come to their 'chair' photos:). And sometimes supper...cause who's got time for that?!??!!;)

so here's to playing catch-up: cheerssssss!
and here's to husbands bringing supper home at 627PM cause you're just too.tired to deal: CHEERS!

first up...our 2nd born: Theo Daisy:)
What has Theo been up to!??! Well, she's been bitten by the story-telling bug and if it takes her repeating: "Mom, mom, mom, MOM, mommmmm, mom, MOMMMMMM..." an endless amount of times to get my attention - which, she most always has and then I have to cut her off and say: "THEO! I'm listening...just.talk!".
Like her mom...I think she appreciates constant eye contact while telling a good story;).
Good grief;).

she's starting to buck nap-time a bit but we'll get back to that once the baby is here and especially, once she starts PreK next fall...she'll absolutely be getting a solid amount of 'quiet time' in the middle of the day.

she's a whipper-snapper and her facial expressions can't hide any of her feelings and also make a long and winding toddler story a million times more interesting;).

her hair is quite crazy, again! She chopped a chunk out of the side of it and so now...I've been putting off doing anything about it?!

Theo Daisy is 3-1/2 and a punk. She still sucks her fingers and she's perfect and hilarious in a million and one ways:).

* and she already looks so much older than these photos! My baby girl is growing taller and losing her baby chub and the idea of her being 4 - in 5 months - has me all sorts of emotional:(. I forget, most days, that she's our 'only' girl and I'm not sure it'll always be that way but it feels awfully special right now:).

well, Rocky Peyton. Hmmmm. His perfectionism may have ran its course but he's still one-of-a-kind! He's testing boundaries and barking orders in a language none of us quite understand and he loves yogurt and he's a great sleeper but he's also been bucking nap-time?! That really is a terrible thing to do to your mom at 38+WKS pregnant:/.

he likes to run and that's quite hilarious looking:). He has a pretty good vocabulary, that includes: Hotdog and Horsey and Hi and NO...:).

he's showing some interest in using the potty, which is fine and wasn't encouraged and honestly, I'm not quite ready to invest any time in helping him with that...seeing as, since I drafted this, we've added a BABY!!!:):)
But when he wants to use the potty...we get his ass on the potty:)!

he spills something every day. He NEVER.STOPS.DOING.SOMETHING.DUMB...like climbing on the counters or tables or taking my coffee out of the microwave or dipping his toys in the toilet or trying to lift the babyyyyyyyy:/ or taking his diaper off or throwing ALL of his clothes and blankets and sheets out of his crib...

but he has a stuffed zebra that he carries around like his own little baby and he's so gentle with it and he's so gentle with his new baby brother:). And he just wants to give out hugs and he says the sweetest goodbyes and I'm mildly obsessed with him!

i have to say...I love these cats. Man, I do. It's helpful to know that we're no different than any other parent out there - the ones doing their best and starting over every day and recognizing that they can do better and losing their shit and sometimes yelling and sometimes swearing and a lot of times feeling like they're failing. I GET IT. 
I sometimes feel like I might complain a little too much about their behavior - and this is being written at 1105PM...they're ALL sounds asleep...a newborn snoozing next to me...Homer's passed out in a Superman Costume (SO.FREAKING.CUTE!!)...Jacob just got home from work and I just finished a pint of Ben&Jerry's...so I'm in a very happy mental state;) - But these kids are so good:). I don't think I say enough about how much they try and how far they come...even in the span of one day. 

today was a very nice day and we all had our moments but I saw so much good in it and them and me and it was really just what I needed:).

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