Thursday, August 10, 2017

thirty weeks.

post by casey.

jacob and I got the chance to take a day away yesterday and it was magical! They always are:) We didn't do anything super exciting. Just a road-trip that included some work things for him and then wandering around an antique store - where I tried on every hat and Jacob gagged because...LICE!!!;), a great lunch and a stop at the adorable ice-cream parlor we took photos at on our wedding day, a cute coffee shop and a walk along the river and all the alone time, together, that I'd need to get me through another few months without that one-on-one time with my favorite guy. 

when I was checking-out at the antique store, the man checking me out asked how far along I was and so I told him we had about 2MO to go. And then he says: "is this your 1st? 2nd? 3rd?..."...And both Jacob and I looked at each other and I think that may have been the first time it REALLY hit us...this is 4. This is our 4th baby! The guy behind the counter started laughing because I think our sudden shock was kinda obvious!!!;)

we're just over 30WKS now!:) 10WKS - give or take - to go. 70 - ISH - days. I can't tell you how real it's starting to feel now! Even the 4th time around doesn't diminish how exciting and surprising and exhaustinggggg and EXCITING it all is, yet again:).

i'm feeling good. I'm gaining weight like it's my part-time job - I think we're inching close to that 35LB mark...yeahhhhhhh, I'm not playing';). I'm really just feeling happy and content and calm about it all. I'm so happy to have Jacob:). What we have and what we've made together - our relationship, specifically - has made all of this quite easy. Too easy, cause I just don't know how I'm ever gonna stop...besides Menopause;).

life is good and that's not to say there haven't been bumps in the road or this pregnancy or the wheel bearings on the Astro Van;). I get stressed and I cry a lot (happy and sad and exhausted and sentimental and overwhelmed tears...all the different tears;') and I eat my feelingssssss (all.of.the.feelings get ate with;0)

speaking of which...I'm hungryyyyyyy. OMG. I wish I had a Cinnabon. 2 Cinnabons!!!

and now some of the prettiest photos by Courts:) - Courtney Smith Photography.

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