Wednesday, August 9, 2017

rocky peyton: 19 and 20 months

post by casey.

holy shit. 
1 i can't believe it's been 3 months since I've given one of these kid-update-things...
2 i can't believe that I actually still remembered to get the monthly photos...
3 i actually CAN believe all of the above;)
4 i learned that we have a vacuum cleaner while drafting this post!;)

goodness. What can I say about Rocky Peyton!? He's such a cool dude! I LOVE HIMMMMMM!!!
He likes the morning cuddles and waking up nice and slow:). He waves bye. He says "buuuuubyyyyeeee". He also says "birdie"...not the one in the sky but the name of his Aunt's dog;) - so really, all the super important words;). And according to the mounds of paperwork I fill out at the clinic, he's basically bilingual, can skip (THEY MUST KNOW HOW TO SKIP!!!!!), and doesn't seem alarmed when I turn on the vacuum (we don't actually own a vacuum...wait...I just asked Jacob...he confirmed that we DO, in fact, have a to me;).

rockyp, you are delightful:)

and because, instead of eating a cinnamon roll in bed tonight, I choose to cry myself to sleep...there's this...

top to bottom: Homer, Theo and RockyP
*note that their hair styles are evolving...well;).
*also note that they may have the same smile...and face;).

all photos courtesy of Courtney Smith Photography!!!:)


  1. They all are very cute and adorable. And they all look so much alike

  2. Great posting as usual. Love the updates and photos! See you on the 9th!
