Thursday, August 10, 2017

thirty weeks.

post by casey.

jacob and I got the chance to take a day away yesterday and it was magical! They always are:) We didn't do anything super exciting. Just a road-trip that included some work things for him and then wandering around an antique store - where I tried on every hat and Jacob gagged because...LICE!!!;), a great lunch and a stop at the adorable ice-cream parlor we took photos at on our wedding day, a cute coffee shop and a walk along the river and all the alone time, together, that I'd need to get me through another few months without that one-on-one time with my favorite guy. 

when I was checking-out at the antique store, the man checking me out asked how far along I was and so I told him we had about 2MO to go. And then he says: "is this your 1st? 2nd? 3rd?..."...And both Jacob and I looked at each other and I think that may have been the first time it REALLY hit us...this is 4. This is our 4th baby! The guy behind the counter started laughing because I think our sudden shock was kinda obvious!!!;)

we're just over 30WKS now!:) 10WKS - give or take - to go. 70 - ISH - days. I can't tell you how real it's starting to feel now! Even the 4th time around doesn't diminish how exciting and surprising and exhaustinggggg and EXCITING it all is, yet again:).

i'm feeling good. I'm gaining weight like it's my part-time job - I think we're inching close to that 35LB mark...yeahhhhhhh, I'm not playing';). I'm really just feeling happy and content and calm about it all. I'm so happy to have Jacob:). What we have and what we've made together - our relationship, specifically - has made all of this quite easy. Too easy, cause I just don't know how I'm ever gonna stop...besides Menopause;).

life is good and that's not to say there haven't been bumps in the road or this pregnancy or the wheel bearings on the Astro Van;). I get stressed and I cry a lot (happy and sad and exhausted and sentimental and overwhelmed tears...all the different tears;') and I eat my feelingssssss (all.of.the.feelings get ate with;0)

speaking of which...I'm hungryyyyyyy. OMG. I wish I had a Cinnabon. 2 Cinnabons!!!

and now some of the prettiest photos by Courts:) - Courtney Smith Photography.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

rocky peyton: 19 and 20 months

post by casey.

holy shit. 
1 i can't believe it's been 3 months since I've given one of these kid-update-things...
2 i can't believe that I actually still remembered to get the monthly photos...
3 i actually CAN believe all of the above;)
4 i learned that we have a vacuum cleaner while drafting this post!;)

goodness. What can I say about Rocky Peyton!? He's such a cool dude! I LOVE HIMMMMMM!!!
He likes the morning cuddles and waking up nice and slow:). He waves bye. He says "buuuuubyyyyeeee". He also says "birdie"...not the one in the sky but the name of his Aunt's dog;) - so really, all the super important words;). And according to the mounds of paperwork I fill out at the clinic, he's basically bilingual, can skip (THEY MUST KNOW HOW TO SKIP!!!!!), and doesn't seem alarmed when I turn on the vacuum (we don't actually own a vacuum...wait...I just asked Jacob...he confirmed that we DO, in fact, have a to me;).

rockyp, you are delightful:)

and because, instead of eating a cinnamon roll in bed tonight, I choose to cry myself to sleep...there's this...

top to bottom: Homer, Theo and RockyP
*note that their hair styles are evolving...well;).
*also note that they may have the same smile...and face;).

all photos courtesy of Courtney Smith Photography!!!:)

Sunday, August 6, 2017

#the52project Week25

post by casey.

jacob: "I just gotta say, you've been a different kinda mom lately...better!!!!"
me: quizzical/questioning/should I be offended face?!!??!?

i can't say I don't agree with him! This summer has been jam packed and I'm already 30WKS along, with baby number4 and it seems I've found a patience that didn't exist in those early weeks. Not to mention those early years of motherhood. 

Full Disclosure: I hit a wall of exhaustion this weekend and may have told Jacob that if I had had a newborn at that point (and the other 2 littles, who were fighting nap time that day, as well - not to mention, Jacob was working)...I would have curled up and died...DIEDDDDDDD. I may have cried at the thought!
BUT I'm coming out of it and feeling much more alive today!

besides mind has been going a million miles per hour! The next few weeks of August are full and will go so quickly. 

i'm currently stressed over the idea of getting healthier and cutting processed foods out of our lives and the possible effects that is having/has had on us...and yet I don't have a ton of energy/motivation to doooooo anything about that...I'm overwhelmed by this topic...I'll stop there;(

homer starts school in a few short weeks and I've been able to put that to the back of my mind but I'm gonna be a mess over that change in our days:'( I'm excited for him and sad for me and so proud of him and anxious about the big guy he's gonna become and a lot concerned about what friends he'll make, that will inevitably chose the 'moms' I'll be surrounded by the rest of these 15ISH years;)
OH, and we want to enroll him in Karate! I'll keep you posted on that! Kinda depends on cost and timing and such.

and Rocky is like...OLD. Tall and less and less like a baby everyday. I'm soaking up his cuddles and just trying to be present and really LOOK at him and hold him and be aware of those moments when they're happening. He's never stopped being')

theo is just...*hmmmm...?!*...she is a character! So cute! So much my baby girl yet:) She brings the entertainment, that's for sure!

as you can tell, I haven't spent endless nights quietly sobbing myself to sleep...hardly any...a few, at most...5 of 7...weekly;).

here's to enjoying every last bit of this summer and new beginnings and births and being better - mom's, wives, selves:):).

my good stuff: an uninterrupted  2hr nap:). 1-1/2YR olds dancing (and 3 and 5YR olds...and husbands;). a pre-arranged babysitter for a ME day.

a portrait of my children, once a week(ish), every week(ish), in 2017

homer - no cooler (or sassier;) dude!

theo daisy - the cutest freaking shopping buddy! 
"mom!!! Take my picture!"

rockyp - got his first buzz, a few weeks back!:)