Wednesday, June 22, 2016

hey, i remember you

post by casey

rocky's been sleeping in his crib for abouttttt 22 minutes...which means I'm writing up this blog post on borrowed time!!!!! - update coming on my growing children and Rocky's transition into the crib. Currently, our definition of 'transition into the crib' means: he's slept in his crib for 24 total minutes...ever.

the husband is gaming...I wish you could see my face right now. A mixture of annoyance anddddd...nope...pretty much just annoyance...oh, and some leftover Peanut Butter Krispy bar. Oops;)

anyhoo...about 30 minutes before these photos were taken, I almost called the whole thing off because of something Jacob and I were arguing about. He was annoyed because I didn't understand his explanation of something stupid and then I was annoyed because...he was annoyed that I couldn't understand whatever stupid thing he was trying to explain;)?? Something to do with our cellphone bill and me HATING ALL CELLPHONE COMPANIES (and the way Jacob insists on streaming music...putting us over our data...which incurs extra monthly charges...which make me crayyyyy la la. I, obviously, hardly remember the details anymore;).

but within 20 minutes we had turned it around - have I mentioned our turn-around time is on fucking point!?!?!? Hug-it-out...all is forgiven...let's do this thing!:)

outtakes make me smile:)

always gotta be one pooper at the party...used to be me...I've passed the torch;)

theo's new 'smile' is one that only a mother could love;)!

there's my sweet and happy boy:)

hi. my 2yr old will murder you. She's!!!!;)

okayyyyyyy. I forgive you about the data overage....let's just make all the babies. Forever. I love you.

*this sweet little photo hot spot was discovered right behind our own garage!!!!:)

**some of the photos aren't very clear:( Partly because of how they upload here and partly Courts is working out some kinks with her new lense and we are her kink-worker-out-test-dummies. We're more than happy to oblige, seeing as that means free family photos;) But obviously, she wants to take some more in the near future:)



  1. Such cute pictures! Really like the ones of you and Jacob!

    1. Thank you Renee! I know it pains him to do them sometimes but obviously, totally worth it;)!!! - Casey
