Wednesday, April 11, 2018

a complete softball team

post by Courtney


just kidding ;)

photo courtesy of Dave

sharing this news isn't much of a surprise to anyone (except the dentist and his hygienist who I saw early this pregnancy. he asked me if this was my first: nope. then asked how many this was: our tenth... he was speechless. literally. and I am well aware how TEN sounds ;)

well before Coy celebrated his first birthday, we were being asked when the next one would be coming along. repeatedly.

so for everyone who has been so patient, baby Smith #10 is expected mid-October!
photo courtesy of Lia

my mood is better than when I wrote this post (you're welcome!) while pregnant with Will, but most of the questions you may have can be answered there. a couple extras/modifications I thought of: 

Q: Haven't you run out of names? 
A: Yes. Yes we have. Throw some letters at me. 
It may be a one syllable, two letter name this go around.

Q: Is this it for you guys then?
A: I am more receptive to more babies than Dave, but my body (and maybe mind) are receptive to no more babies. that doesn't really answer the question well... this is my second pregnancy holding the title of advanced maternal age {insert eye roll}  and I can't be sure when I earned the titles of multigravida and grand multiparity. I just like to think those titles make me extra special ;)

and what does one do after they find out they're pregnant. indeeeeed. online shop ;)
1 + 2
I've got a slight obsession with boat neck tops. yet I have not a single one in my wardrobe. why not get some maternity tops that I'll wear only a hot second. doh.

am I ready to wear a form-fittingish dress with my tenth pregnancy? we shall see. but this wouuuuulllllddd look adorable with my red Toms!

if you see me in this very outfit from August until the end of October... I'm not sorry ;)

I may or may not have eyed this up for each one of my October babies and never pulled the trigger. it's currently on sale and calling my name yet again! 
although, a friend's beautiful daughter had this one on and it's pretty dang adorable. 
wish I wasn't obsessed with hoods!

6 + 7
baby sandals are always adorable.

we're leaning toward girl over here. which means, in Casey's experience, it's a boy. 
but good golly, how cute is this romper!


let the online shopping continue! 
and the mint bonbon


  1. Lincoln, Zane, (Ben says Ben ��) Vance, Shea, Zander, Kyler
    Kinsley, Marleny, Leigh,..... You will get somany great suggestions from people! Who doesn't love to think about baby names but NOT actually have more babies to name? ��

  2. Congrats! I always wanted 8 kids but ended up with 5. I will be 61 by the time my baby graduates from HS, it was time to quit. Now I am waiting for grand babies to spoil and send home!!
    MarySchmitt from Iowa.
