Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Fall:)

post by Casey.

We’re trying to settle into a ‘new’ routine around here…everyone up before 9AM (H + Theo like to sleep-in), make beds, clean room, a couple chores, breakfast…thennnnn school, lunch, relax!!!😅:)

It took at least a week of consistency (on my part) and complaining (on theirs) but I feel like we might have at least a little bit of a handle on things (the mess…our mornings:).

It’s hard to believe the seasons are changing again, already. Theres still at least a month?! until we make it official but the cooler temps in the morning + evenings won’t be letting us forget that it’s on its way. And shortly after-ish, a baby❤️:).

I’m not ready for fall and I’m not ready for a baby…or is it birth?!;) I want to enjoy summer a bit longer. And I want to enjoy and really savor what’s left of this pregnancy. I don’t know that this will be our last but I guess I’m trying to enjoy it as if it were.

Thats probably the main reason I’m taking a nice healthy break from IG…really the only platform that gets me scrolling to no end (I no longer have Pinterest and I’m not on FB - outside of trying to sell a few things…so if you’re wondering why I haven’t responded to your friend request…it’s because I know that would suck me in;). It’s taken a couple days and I’m still ending the day watching House Hunters in bed instead of reading😬…but I truly feel better already:). Being more disconnected simply leaves more time for other things, most of which are simply more important.

I was able to focus on working on a better routine with the kids. I put my phone away while I nurse Evan, instead of scrolling. It truly just leaves room for thought…quiet. I can’t believe how much time, or how many times per day, I grab my phone to fill a void/hole…even if only a very short time…with scrolling, checking if someone sent me a Marco Polo, checking for any new emails (90% of the time they’re spam or sales:/), checking for new updates on this event or controversial topic…filling.every.second.

“God has met his people in moments of silence.”

When I disconnect, I really see my children. I can’t believe how perfect they are!!! How animated their stories are! How dirty their faces are after a day of nonstop play;). I really see God in those moments…shared through the joy I see in my babies faces. A book or a song on the radio never distracts me or pulls me away from that as much as my phone (or even a podcast) does. And I get how that all sounds…it’s a phone🫠. How ridiculous! But I really believe that if we allow it…technology can rob us of so much (as I write a blog post you’ll read from your phone or computer;). Does anyone else feel less compelled to read long form anymore these days? Avoiding length for the ease of a ‘short’ or meme? I’ve been there. It doesn’t seem to be doing my brain any favors.

“The world of men has forgotten the joys of silence, the peace of solitude which is necessary, to some extent, for the fullness of human living. While the inner voice is not heard…life is always miserable and exhausting…if a man is constantly exiled from his own home, locked out of his own spiritual solitude, he ceases to be a true person.”

“Without silence, we struggle to know ourselves and who God created us to be. When our minds are constantly filled with outside stimuli, it becomes impossible to make space for the lessons that silence can teach us about God, about ourselves, and about his work in the world each day.”

I really loved the above excerpt from an article in Reclaim Today:).

I hope to share a bit of our days here from time to time, while I’m staying offline:).  And below is just a bit of a round up/visual of things we’re doing, things I’m ordering, things I’m reading, etc!:)


Things I Ordered/Am Ordering:

- I’ve been collecting these Alphabet Wall Hooks since Homer was born but hadn’t caught-up since R for Rocky:). I got everyone ordered now after finding this Etsy Shop that sells them! I hope to grab one for the baby when he/she is born + named:) 

- I also ordered curtains + shades for the MBedroom + Bath:)

- and I plan to order the kids’ school curriculum TODAY!!:)

Things I’m Listening To:

- Old Fashioned On Purpose podcast:). It’s actually where I stumbled upon this years homeschool curriculum!

- I continue to listen to The Bible In A Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz! I’m on day234!

Our raw milk hook-up is out of town for a few weeks but the organic whole milk we purchased in the meantime is frothing nicely!!;)

We switched up sleeping arrangements a few nights ago! Evan was finally moved upstairs to share a room with Mae!:)

The weeds in the garden have completely taken over but we still love the garden! A fun addition this year has been the sunflowers, wildflowers, and corn:).

“The workers are here!!!” - the kids every morning;).
Almost all the siding is complete. We’re waiting on about 3 more windows to be installed. They’ve started trimming out the windows that are installed. We’re very close to the finish line of THIS project;):).

Things I’m Reading:

- a snippet of the Bible every morning:)

- A Bride in the Bargin: turning out to be a really great one!!!

- and some longer writing on Substack. I really love Rachel Reeves…WRITES. Really good stuff. Her most recent post was actually sharing people’s experiences losing relationships during Covid + BLM (and continuing to this day over politics/etc). I can’t imagine this article wouldn’t hit home for a lot of people - myself included.
You can also find her as HereAreTheHeadlines on Instagram. A great follow.

Things I’m Loving:

- No surprise here…but my skincare:). 
Left: No make-up, just my Oliveda products.
Right: Minimal make-up because I don’t know what I’m doing;).

All of this is ridiculously expired and now even more janky since the girls got into it:| BUT there’s a light at the end of the tunnel…Oliveda is coming out with a new line of make-up and even this Mostly-Make-Up-Free-Mama is excited!!! They’re hoping to be releasing these products around October!:)

The Love Duo (20% cheaper when purchased as a set) is currently available! I have yet to use the F63 but I use the F06 daily and it remains an all-time favorite!!:)

You can use my link HERE for purchases.
You can use the link HERE to take a quick skincare quiz that will make suggestions based on your personal skin type/issues.
You can sign-up as a Consultant HERE - there are so many benefits to being a consultant but that 25% discount on products is a game changer! For example: it brings that Love Duo price down from $101.95 to $76.46 + Free Shipping!:)

The boys came up with a little side hussle all on their own and I couldn’t be prouder! They went outside and made crosses (so.many.crosses;) out of all the scrap wood they’ve been finding!! They’re trying to sell these (price point is about $1-$5;). Message me if you’re in the market for one! They’ve been looking especially adorable leaning up against a house/in the landscaping or against a garden fence:).

We had our first disaster with the scissors (A.V.😩!!!!!). 
Not gonna lie…we were both on the verge of tears!:’)

Thank you for reading!! You can subscribe to my blog by filling in your email address at the top right corner of the home page! I believe it will then automatically send you an alert any time I’ve posted…which I can promise won’t be TOO annoyingly often;):).

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