Tuesday, July 10, 2018

second trimester. time, slow down!

something about pregnancy makes the time go quicker for me. while I don't know what the future holds, and I really shouldn't say things out loud ...mostly for fear of everyone in our small town repeating them back to me a million times... "you like even numbers, right?!"   

I feel pretty content preparing myself with the idea of this being The Final Smith (not enough to use it as a blog post title though;). it better be a good one ;) all joking aside, we've been blessed. healthy pregnancies. smooth pregnancies. smooth deliveries. and healthy babies. I really couldn't ask for more! maybe more Starbucks while in the hospital... *wink*wink* sistasssss ;)

so here we are... half way through my second trimester and wishing time would slow down. although, it doesn't take a pregnancy for me to wish for that.

I don't get in front of the camera often so have to make it a point to have one of the kids or one of the sisters snap just a few quick photos of me. it also has to coincide with when I've showered... so Sundays for sure ;)

I'm a fairly boring pregnant woman. No complaints really... only to Dave ;) apparently pregnancy is good to me :) not really craving anything extraordinary. I like food. I like cookies. and ice cream. and Starbucks. I frequent the chiropractor often. Varicose veins have snuck up on me. My sisters like to point out my age so that's catching up with me as well. There was mention of AMA at one of my initial OB appointments. but there is no talk of that or my weight since ;) 

we don't share the gender, nor do we find out. and we don't share any names, although we've nearly run out of names... feel free to send any this way! the kids are pretty excited, kissing my belly often. Will asks if it's coming out... today... right now... ;)

mostly feeling tired and large and grateful I get to do this again. praying for a healthy baby!
many thanks to my photographer, Lia. who claimed to be James 2.0 and reminded me a lot of this popular video ;)

photos taken at 25wks. currently 26wks... give or take ;)

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