Thursday, April 28, 2016

coffee mornin island

post by Courtney

photo taken Friday, April 22, 2016
next week will be our last full week of enjoying baby snuggles every morning. we'll be taking full advantage. 

I really should make some banana bread tonight (the bananas are now completely brown), but I think I'll just go to bed early with the kids instead ;)

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

i shall now spend all our monies on spa days.

my friend, Karey, with the help of my sneaky husband:), planned a little Spa Day!

i've gotten 2 prenatal massages at a great local spot - Back to Bliss - but this was my first time at a full.on.Spa - The Wellness Spa Resort, in Stevens Point, WI. We got back massages and a pedicure and sipped on cucumber water and felt ridiculously high-class and rested and rich and 27-ish and childless...except for when I had to take a break and go pump...that was a pretty good reminder that I had kids at home;) 

from start to was a fantastic experience. The decor/feel/ambiance of the entire facility was so so pretty and filled with so much character - a little bit about the history of The Wellness Spa Resort HERE. The massage was great - minus me having to pee SO damn badly about 3/4 of the way through!!! Too much cucumber water;). The staff were friendly and professional and so helpful.

massage hair is real. FYI.

besides how amazing the spa was...the entire day was just sooooooo so good. Jacob was home from work and so I was able to go for a walk/jog that morning. Jacob and I had coffee together and did some cleaning before I left for the Spa. And then I enjoyed a road-trip to Stevens Point, WI and spa and lunch - coffee and amazing sandwiches at Emy J's - and a nice long walk and fantastic company:) It was great to catch-up one-on-one with a really good friend:) We had ourselves a pretty neat Tuesday!


a goal of mine this year was and is to, not only, do more things with the kids...inexpensive (if not free!!!) outings and adventures BUT to take some time for myself and Jacob, as well. It definitely helped that this was a near-free trip (Karey drove and paid for the Spa services!!!!!:):). But it was so fun trying something new!

Stevens Point is such a great little city! My girlfriend lived there for a few years and was able to show me around a bit. There are some great little parks for the kids. Free events. Fishing hotspots. Trails. I'm excited to go back with the family:)

if you are local and have kiddos at home and are itching to get out of the house - minus the Target bill;) - check-out Healthy Kids Day at the Marshfield Area YMCA. It's a FREE Event on April 30th, from 10AM-1PM - so you can still make it home for nap time!!!!!

Friday, April 15, 2016

theo daisy: 24 months and rocky peyton: 5 months

post by casey

theo daisy celebrated her 2nd Birthday! I hardly had a minute to digest that;) I'm not entirely sad about having forgotten to cry myself to sleep in the week leading up to this monumental birthday;)

check out her 1st birthday HERE.

i can sum Theo up in one - 3 syllable - word, that I made-up: sass-pa-rilla

she's 1-part cute-as-all-hell and 1-part complete-shit-head.

every day, Theo spits out new words or the same word but we can actually understand it?;) She still LOVES her cuddles and loves her little baby dolls - thank you Me-Moo and Auntie Pigg:). She still sleeps through the night, in her crib, but we've got her 'big girl' bed all set-up and now just have to find a time when we're ready, to give it a go:)

one of my favorite past-times is to just cuddle with you and stare at your face and memorize your little teeth and your adorable smile and those little fingers in your mouth. You can be so damn naughty but luckily it's still're so cute that we have to turn away to hide our smiles and laughing - except yesterday, when you poked me in the eye and I wanted to boot your baby doll, Anchorman style, out onto the highway!!!!;)

happy birthday, baby girl. You are unicorn-special:)

so this isn't real?!?!?

and then there's Rocky P:)
rocky p is 5 months. Which makes me want guessed it....vomit...blah blah blah;)

he's pretty much perfect and I don't know that I've ever said that about the other 2 (less than perfect children we have;)...if I did...I shouldn't have;)

and another milestone that should never be overlooked: baby in blue jeans. Those are like work pants. My baby is leaving the house in workable bottoms. He's not yet eating solids but he's damn near employed!!!! 
I on the other hand...choose to only wear nonworking pants;)

rocky has spent the last 5 months proving that he's the favorite;) - I'm KIDDINGGGGG!!!;) - I can almostttttt understand why some people choose to stop on such a high. Cause I'm not sure such a child can be beat:)

rocky is rolling all over. Back to front. Front to back. He's able to move himself forward a bit...not crawling by any means but definitely moving around on the floor!! He's a champ at sleeping. He has been sick with a cough and besides being a little sad in the eyes...he never lets on that he's not feeling well! Still nursing strong and hoping to get to at least 10 months. 

he's been the greatest addition. I know I've said it before...but I'll say it a million times over:

thank gawddddddd for Rocky P:)

Sunday, April 10, 2016

merle + willie

post by casey.

jacob and I went to a concert in October - just a few weeks prior to Rocky being born. A babymoon, I suppose:) In typical Jacob + Casey fashion...we knew we wanted to do something pretty random. And so...Willie Nelson:) 

to be honest, the reason I started looking into going to see him was because I went into work one day and my coworker was all: "did you hear that Willie Nelson died?". I hadn't - because I don't believe everything I read on the Internet and mostly cause: HE HADN'T DIED;). But for whatever really bothered me that he had 'died' and we had never made an effort to go see him in concert! I called Jacob, who confirmed Willie was still alive - der - and so I set out to get us to a concert!:)

we didn't look too much into it prior to going and we had no idea what to expect. We're fans...but we're not seeing Merle Haggard as well, was a huge surprise! We kept our expectations low and even rationalized that if we were completely bored, we hadn't paid TOO much for tickets and could head out early...

the concert was great. I so great:) Jacob and I walked back to our hotel after and couldn't stop talking about what a great show they had put on and how star-struck we were! We had really really great seats - we were actually much closer than the looks of most of these photos. And we just felt like the music and feel of the whole show was just You could just tell from their songs and demeanor that they were laid-back people. All about love and being happy and just enjoying yourself and the company of the good people around you:)

i was so sad to hear of Merle's passing last week. 
We feel incredibly lucky that we were fortunate enough to see such a legend in person. The music they write and just feels so much simpler to me than a lot of what you hear now-a-days. Seems that all they're trying to say is that you should just be a good person. Chill out. Love yourself. Love each other. Have fun and enjoy this dang life!!!:)

we had such a fantastic time. We already have a few Willie records and will be on the look-out to add a Merle one as well. Our kids will be growing-up on these classics:)

rip. Merle

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

home gardening for people who don't home garden.

post by casey.

putting something in the dirt and having it pretty neat. I may be obsessed with the idea of me...little ol' me...being able to 'grow' things in general. I can grow babies pretty hard and so maybe growing my 'thing'?;)

i did not put any thought or prep into this project and it turned.out.awesomeeeeee. My favorite kinda project;) - minus that rogue 's' in basil...but I just turned the jar around and started over!:)  

*if you're a die-hard-3-wick-candle-lover from Bath & Body Works, then you may have already recognized these jars. I've invested a bit of $$ into those glorious candles and I was finally able to say to Jacob: "SEE...SEEEEEEE...totallyyyyyy worth it!!!!"

here's what I did:

- i sent Jacob to Menards to get all supplies

- i sent Jacob downstairs to spray-paint the jars

i'm getting to the part where I actually DID something;)

- i used these handy stamps to label the jars and because I didn't have an ink pad, I just used a sharpie to color on the stamps

- i read the back of the seed packages and planted them accordingly

courts has a great little set-up going - see post HERE - and she even involved the kids, which was super adorable. I did ask Homer if he'd like to help and showed him how fun it was to put the dirt in the jars!!! He opted to watch Guardians of the Galaxy instead. Team player.

so I forgot when it was that I did I'm not sure when I should be expecting to see some growth. BUT I can tell you I've been watering them every day - which, I hear is necessary?!;) And I feel really good that this is totallyyyyyy going to work;) I'll report back.

this little project is a great start to our big garden. Kinda gets our toes wet a little before we have to really get to work on the 'real' one. And by 'we'...I mean, Courts. And by 'work'...I mean, I'll refill coffee and plant things too close together in crooked rows;)

see ya in a MONTH warm-garden-prep-weather!!! April, you're a dick.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

the beginning of #smithsgrowshit2016

post by Courtney

the closer it gets to spring, the more I crave the garden. I miss my neighbor terribly. She was the rock foundation of our garden. to be honest, she did most of the garden. I was mostly there drinking coffee, making sure plants were evenly spaced, and occasionally removing rocks from rows. oh, and I did a bit of weeding. you know, the important stuff ;)

this will be the third year (I believe) we'll be gardening on our own. which means, we're going to try to harvest some beans this year. and maybe look for watermelons before October! 

looked back in my photostream... *correction: and maybe look for watermelons before November! jeepers. we maybe aren't the best at gardening.*

so we're gonna give it another shot this year. ha! I've got the itch so got some seeds and little greenhouse thingies. yeah, I'm a pro at this ;)

intense concentration. and how cute, they have matching double chins.

the kids love to help in the garden. 

for future reference, whenever I use the words "help" and "kids" in the same sentence, it's complete BS. and I'm not talking about a Bachelor of Science. 

sssooo I let them dump dirt in the containers and stir in the water. this is obviously the before photo of our planting. no one's crying. and the island is clean ;) 

I occupied the little two with bowls of dirt and spoons. as you can see, Will is just dumping his on the floor. but Drew enjoyed planting the ittttttty bitty seeds.

what we planted: 3 kinds of tomatoes (4th of July, Romas, and cherry), watermelons, carrots, and cosmos. you know, the essentials ;) planning to plant more tomatoes and I completely forgot peppers cause I want to actually make something out of the garden this year and that means salsaaaaa!!!

this is the more realistic island ;)

and not even a week later, we had our first sprouts! the kids thought it was the coolest thing. and I think it's amazing how you can actually grow something from seed. now just to keep them alive :| the first to sprout were the cosmos. I have no idea what we'll do with these, buttt we have cosmos.

I did learn a few things during this process... 
1) next time I'll choose bigger containers. the tomatoes might need to be transplanted once before they make it to the garden. I don't think the containers I got are quite big enough. 
2) no need to plant carrots early. ours are going to be stunted, short, and crooked. 
3) I may also do some of this during naptime next time  ;)

see some of our previous garden adventures here: 
#smithsgrowshit2015 #smithsgrowshit2014

and make sure to follow along this year here: