Saturday, September 14, 2024

Gladness of heart…

post by Casey.

I’m sitting outside. I’m tired. Full…filled…with watermelon. Carrying around a watermelon:). Warm…on the verge of hot. Staring at an empty page…drawing a blank. 

Life has just been…moving:).
I sometimes get sleep these days.
I wake up with the (hungry:) kids.
I start coffee - adding a new French Press to my Amazon cart:).
We do some school.
There’s fighting and crying and laughing and a Bible podcast playing somewhere in the background.

I wish I would have done the dishes last night.

I get the chance to go thrifting and find a pair of shorts that remind me of my mom - the 80’s version:). I text her and request photos from when she was 40:).

I wish Jacob had been able to get off work to come with me. I love when he drives me. I love just sitting next to him in a vehicle while he drives:). I love him taking care of me. I love having his babies:).

I’m highly emotional these days.
On the way into the Post Office I catch sight of my reflection in the window and immediately start crying. It’s almost over…but it’s just the beginning. I’m scared and excited and overwhelmed…I’m anxious and…happy.

The kids are making calls to Jacob from our new house phone. We’re enjoying not ‘keeping up’…maybe even going back a bit.
Theo and Meg started dinner - paninis
Courts is bringing Homer home from work and Jacob will be late catering
After this movie, I’ll bath all 4 littles and tuck them in and nurse Evan to sleep. 

Gladness of heart is the very life of man.

My moms shorts;). I can’t wait to wear these things!

Bathroom progress.

Trying to make life a little easier + more organized:)

Coffee with friends:).

Homer thrifted a glass chess board recently and is learning the game himself, while teaching the kids so they can play with him!

I love our little orchard:). Our pear tree did the best this year!

I placed my very first Oliveda order on 12/28/23 and these are the only products I’ve gone through entirely, so far!! They really do last you a significant amount of time!:)

1/ Just waking up 
2/ Rinsing with water + applying Oliveda products 
3/ A few expired make-up products;) (no foundation or concealer!:)

The Oliveda make-up line - Olive Rose -  is coming out in just a few weeks! Consultants will be getting first dibs on purchasing and then it will open to customers at the end of November! If you’ve been considering ‘signing-up’ as a consultant….now would be a great time and the $50/annual fee is well worth it!!:)

Shop through my link HERE. - thank you!!:)
Sign-up to be a consultant HERE - sooo worth it!!!:)

My most recent purchase. I’m excited to start some intervals once the baby arrives and see what sort of difference that might make:).

001 is in stock HERE!:)

On my 16th book of the year! Gonna be a quick one but it’s really good and very timely:).

Happy Saturday, friends!:)

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Back 2 School.

 post by Casey.

We started school today (now yesterday;)!!! I would have preferred to start over a month ago but it’s really not surprising that I wasn’t able to get going earlier. I was tired. I couldn’t decide on curriculum. I just didn’t wannnnttttt to;). BUT we dove in - because we had to;) - and now we’re back at it! 

This is only our 2nd year and it feels like it’s just how it’s always been! Funny how that happens…you’re trying to decide on something…you’re unsure, maybe a little scared - How will I manage? What if I don't follow through or it doesn’t work out? What if it’s hard? I’m comfortable with the way things are! And then you make the change and after almost no time at all…it feels like the most natural thing in the world:). 

I don’t enjoy every minute that the kids are home. Some days are hard. A lot of days I make it harder than it has to be. And I’m tired - like 8+months pregnant…at 41yo…with 6 kids…who I’m homeschooling…in a fixer-upper…TIRED;). But…BUT…it is the absolute best. No kidding:). 

I love being with them and I already - almost;) - can’t remember it being any other way. Thinking back…me being here and having sent them away for almost 8hrs a day seems like the most unnatural thing in the world I could do. I feel so fortunate that we can and do, choose this. It’s hard and it’s good and there is nothing more satisfying than getting through ‘school’ with them. We started around 930AM and wrapped up shortly after noon. Then the kids played. Did chores. They rode along to dentist appointments for myself and Jacob - Rocky read a book aloud on the way

No matter where or how your kids do school…I feel like there’s just so much pressure!! You want SO much for them. I won’t lie…having chosen to homeschool feels like a bit of added pressure. It’s all on my shoulders…no one to blame but myself. I’ve already noticed the kids being ‘quizzed’ multiple times about what they’re learning, if they know x/y/z, do they miss going to school/friends/etc…I definitely thought that was an exaggeration prior to witnessing it ourselves;). 

Homer may not know his primary colors;) but he’s already read multiple books on stocks and investing - and even invested some of his own money in a real stock! Theo has no interest in group sports but is able to groom our dogs (and get paid to do it!:). The girl knows more about dog breeds than anyone I’ve ever known! Rocky can’t sit still for more than 27seconds but I can hold a book for him to read aloud while he creates something out of Legos! Ike cried almost every day going to preschool…and he cried this morning getting through his letters;) BUT he works hours, after he finishes his school work, on building his fort outside and creating wooden crosses. And I don’t really know if they’re ’ahead’ or ‘behind’ but I think they’re doing just fine:) and they can all recite John 3:16 by memory and I couldn’t be prouder:).

With any luck (and a lot of continued commitment and determination on my part;), Mae + Evan + the new baby will never know anything different than being home with me.

I hope that all our babies have the best 2024/25 school year!!

Below are a few photos from our first day or 2 and some general facts on homeschooling!!:)

Homeschool Facts:

  • Taxpayers spend an average of $16,446 per pupil annually in public schools, plus capital expenditures (National Education Association, 2023). The roughly 3.1 million homeschool students of 2021-22 represented a savings of over $51 billion for taxpayers. This is $51 billion that American taxpayers did not have to spend.
  • Taxpayers spend nothing on the vast majority of homeschool students, while homeschool families spend an average of $600 per student annually for their education. Families engaged in home-based education are not dependent on public, tax-funded resources for their children’s education.
  • Homeschooling is quickly growing in popularity among minorities. About 41% of homeschool families are non-white/non-Hispanic (i.e., not white/Anglo).
  • The home-educated typically score 15 to 25 percentile points above public-school students on standardized academic achievement tests (Ray, 2010, 2015, 2017; Ray & Hoelzle, 2024).
  • 78% of peer-reviewed studies on academic achievement show homeschool students perform statistically significantly better than those in institutional schools (Ray, 2017).
  • Homeschool students score above average on achievement tests regardless of their parents’ level of formal education or their family’s household income.
  • Homeschool students are increasingly being actively recruited by colleges.
  • Research facts on homeschooling show that the home-educated are doing well, typically above average, on measures of social, emotional, and psychological development. Research measures include peer interaction, self-concept, leadership skills, family cohesion, participation in community service, and self-esteem.
  • 87% of peer-reviewed studies on social, emotional, and psychological development show homeschool students perform statistically significantly better than those in conventional schools (Ray, 2017).
  • Adults who were home educated are more politically tolerant than the public schooled in the limited research done so far.
  • One researcher finds that homeschooling gives young people an unusual chance to ask questions such as, “Who am I?” and “What do I really want?,” and through the process of such asking and gradually answering the questions home-educated girls develop the strengths and the resistance abilities that give them an unusually strong sense of self.
  • Some think that boys’ energetic natures and tendency to physical expression can more easily be accommodated in home-based education. Many are concerned that a highly disproportionate number of public school special-education students are boys and that boys are 2.5 times as likely as girls in public schools to be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
  • 69% of peer-reviewed studies on success into adulthood (including college) show adults who were home educated succeed and perform statistically significantly better than those who attended institutional schools (Ray, 2017)

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Labor {Day Weekend;}

 post by Casey.

Hi guys:). Happy Friday!! How’s everyone doing? Perfect, I’m sure;).

I continue to be off IG - minus the 2 times I jumped on to line-up my maple syrup drop-off:) and I had some Oliveda questions for my Oliveda friends:)
I almost found myself sucked back in - and I was for a few minutes - but off again…and my ‘goal’ is to stay away until September 20th…for no reason at all, just sounded like a nice day:).

SO depending on when I hit publish on this post, we could very well be entering BABY MONTH!!!! Orrrrrr MONTH BEFORE BABY MONTHHHHHH - if this baby is as pokey as the last 2 - (don’t even get me started on Due Dates:|…even after 6babies, that assigned/looming dateeeee can and does get in my head:|) but regardless, Mae + Evan were ‘late’ by almost 2weeks and 2weeks+…so who really knows where we’ll land this time around. 

I do feel like I’m entering this a bit more chill (don’t ask my husband, mom, or sisters, OR bff if they agree with that;). And my midwife (hi, sister;) mentioned that feeling more relaxed could mean this baby might not wait as long as the last 2! At first I thought that didn’t make much sense but I suppose being more relaxed really could be a more inviting feeling for my brain, baby, and body then the alternative:). 
I was actually pretty stressed with Mae (June 2020) - she was coming during a bathroom reno and a ‘pandemic’ and my going through a complete crisis/overhaul of morals/faith/politics/religion - suuuuuuppppperrrrr chill;). And then Evan…we were living in a windowless basement while we waited on my dad to put together our house enough for me to feel comfortable birthing in it - I did nottttt handle that…well😬😵‍💫 - everyone rallied and she was born just 4days after we moved in…over 2weeks past her ‘due date’!!!😮‍💨😅😝

This time around…maybe I’m finallllllyyyy realizing that things will happen as they should and God’s got me and He’s got this baby and once he or she is here, however and whenever that happens…that To Do List won’t have mattered one little bit:).

A September baby would be so neat! Out of the 20 grandbabies, set of grandparents, 4 sisters, 3 spouses (on my side)…no one has a September birthday…yet!:)
I’ll have to do a little Baby Birthday Poll when I get back online:).

Unfortunately, I’m on day4 of a terrible mood but I’ll be sending the kids off to the lake with my mom + sisters shortly. Theo and I have a wedding this afternoon:). And I’m hoping to get the house back in order somewhere in between that…before heading to the lake ourselves:). 

Thanks for letting me chat and share:). Below you can catch-up with what we’ve been up to lately!!

Mae Mae is drawing! This masterpiece is me and the baby!❤️ I absolutely love this age/season/sweetness.

I grabbed this $1 Timex at an Estate Sale and then paid $10.55 to get it up and running again and I really can’t believe I ever spent more than $12 on a watch because I love this one:).
Locals: this cute little clock shop can help you out with all things watches and clocks! I’m hoping to get my grandparents grandfather clock working again someday soon!!!:)

Still garage + estate saling and thrifting. Shouldn’t be. But we love it:).

I keep collecting vintage perfume/cologne bottles😑. I’m afraid that someday my kids will be having a garage sale with all the things I’ve collected at garage sales!! But I still pray everyday that my love for this…stuff…means something more for us:).

Football season has begun!!! Hoping to get a couple games in before the baby + cold weather come:).

The contractors have officially finished up their work!! It feels bizarre not to be living life with them after having worked with them for the better part of a year! But we’re so happy to have something ‘finished’ and we really love how the things they helped with turned out:).
We’re just really grateful.

We (Jacob:) did start tiling our bathroom…just weeks before the baby’s potential arrival because…why not😵‍💫😬😅. So I (Jacob) got new curtains and shades up and a pretty picture before immediately making a mess of things…again;).

I may not have picked the same tile if given the chance to do it over again today…BUT I’m glad we got it (2yrs ago?!!!) while we had the budget for it. I think it’s still going to look really great!

The kids and I recently stayed at a (ridiculously generous!!!) friends cabin for a few nights to get out of Jacobs hair while he tried to get some tiling/house things done:). It was absolutely not nottttt exhausting for me or for him;) but it was a beautiful stay and we got a beautiful day on the water - before the weather and my mood tanked😩.

Of course, I hauled all of my Oliveda products with me:). They’re having a great Labor Day Sale - see below! I have the F82 and love it (I mix it in with my F06 a few nights a week and it’s been my favorite combo:).

I have a habit of ordering things RIGHT before a sale🤦🏻‍♂️ - don’t be like me;/…I snagged some of the F75 Lip Balm (for gifts - I loveeeeee it!!) and I’m nearing the end of my F59 (I use it every morning) but I decided to give something else a try - I’ll report back on the 004:)
BOTH the F75 + 004 (and F59 - Botox in a Bottle:) are currently in stock:).

If you’ve been curious about trying these products or you’re in the market for some new skincare…I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed these products - I mean…I can and I have;). They’re reallyyyyy good:).
Thank you for using my link - HERE

Back to my baby and belly and break(down;). 
- Photo by Theo:)

Nah, it wasn’t all bad…this view!!!😍

The kids had a blast!

I finished my book - my 14th of the year:).
Recent Reads: A Bride In The Bargain by Deeanne Gist
After You by Jojo Moyes
Current Read: Made For Love by Fr. Mike Schmitz

She doesn’t sleep much but when she does…:):).

It was a lot…even though my sister, parents, bff…all came at some point and spent some time with us:). But I’m thankful for this time with the kids and the flexibility to make it happen!:)

Happy Labor Day Weekend, friends:). I hope it’s a good one!