Saturday, September 14, 2024

Gladness of heart…

post by Casey.

I’m sitting outside. I’m tired. Full…filled…with watermelon. Carrying around a watermelon:). Warm…on the verge of hot. Staring at an empty page…drawing a blank. 

Life has just been…moving:).
I sometimes get sleep these days.
I wake up with the (hungry:) kids.
I start coffee - adding a new French Press to my Amazon cart:).
We do some school.
There’s fighting and crying and laughing and a Bible podcast playing somewhere in the background.

I wish I would have done the dishes last night.

I get the chance to go thrifting and find a pair of shorts that remind me of my mom - the 80’s version:). I text her and request photos from when she was 40:).

I wish Jacob had been able to get off work to come with me. I love when he drives me. I love just sitting next to him in a vehicle while he drives:). I love him taking care of me. I love having his babies:).

I’m highly emotional these days.
On the way into the Post Office I catch sight of my reflection in the window and immediately start crying. It’s almost over…but it’s just the beginning. I’m scared and excited and overwhelmed…I’m anxious and…happy.

The kids are making calls to Jacob from our new house phone. We’re enjoying not ‘keeping up’…maybe even going back a bit.
Theo and Meg started dinner - paninis
Courts is bringing Homer home from work and Jacob will be late catering
After this movie, I’ll bath all 4 littles and tuck them in and nurse Evan to sleep. 

Gladness of heart is the very life of man.

My moms shorts;). I can’t wait to wear these things!

Bathroom progress.

Trying to make life a little easier + more organized:)

Coffee with friends:).

Homer thrifted a glass chess board recently and is learning the game himself, while teaching the kids so they can play with him!

I love our little orchard:). Our pear tree did the best this year!

I placed my very first Oliveda order on 12/28/23 and these are the only products I’ve gone through entirely, so far!! They really do last you a significant amount of time!:)

1/ Just waking up 
2/ Rinsing with water + applying Oliveda products 
3/ A few expired make-up products;) (no foundation or concealer!:)

The Oliveda make-up line - Olive Rose -  is coming out in just a few weeks! Consultants will be getting first dibs on purchasing and then it will open to customers at the end of November! If you’ve been considering ‘signing-up’ as a consultant….now would be a great time and the $50/annual fee is well worth it!!:)

Shop through my link HERE. - thank you!!:)
Sign-up to be a consultant HERE - sooo worth it!!!:)

My most recent purchase. I’m excited to start some intervals once the baby arrives and see what sort of difference that might make:).

001 is in stock HERE!:)

On my 16th book of the year! Gonna be a quick one but it’s really good and very timely:).

Happy Saturday, friends!:)

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