Thursday, October 14, 2021


For a minute there I thought things would slow down after the kids were back in school, but as every week passes…the calendar continues to stay FULL. We’ve been getting through it one birthday, volleyball/football game + swim meet, school board meeting, house project, meltdown/tantrum, sleepless night, illness, early morning walk, puppy clean-up, diaper change and grocery run at.a.time.:)

It’s Thursday, October 13, 2021. Jacob had coffee made when I woke up this morning. My oldest niece is on her way to do a college tour. I’ve got 4 kiddos here with me today, playing in the living room while I try to quickly get a blog post up because for some reason I felt compelled to ‘share’ today.

*EDIT: it’s 1130PM…just realizing it’s actually the 14thπŸ₯±πŸ˜΄πŸ‘ŒπŸ€ͺ

That all just sounds pretty dang magical but if I were to breakdown each of those things: what lead to that coffee, our relationship with our niece, the naughty words coming out of those little boys’ mouths…life is anything but simple. 

I hope someone does something kind for you today. I hope you pay that forward. I hope you listen today, hear someone with an opposing view. I hope you extend an olive branch. I hope you get a hug and a smile. I hope that when you put it all down, it’s clear that it’s still okay…when you look up - gosh, I hope you can see that there’s always something joyful and {usually:} pretty simple - happening right in front of you:).

This was a wonderful podcast to stumble across recently - Old Fashioned On Purpose. Well timed with my niece considering college. I’ve talked about this before but I just don’t believe debt is a good thing and I’ve yet to speak to someone who doesn’t feel that college-debt burden very heavily. Here are 2 excerpts (this was in no way about Covid but I appreciated her few thoughts on that as well):

“To your best ability, put yourself in a place of power when it comes to your employment.”

“I don’t care if you’re pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine…I do believe, though, that forcing a medical treatment onto someone that they don’t want in order to keep their job is wrong.”

This reminded me of my home-birth and how my midwife said that their goal was to empower me. I think we should be weary of anyone or anything that would like us to be reliant on them. We should be encouraged to think and speak freely. Do our own research, draw our own conclusions. Knowledge is always power.


Kim, I don’t know if you’re reading this but we need these…right?!;) 
Or do you already have both;)?
72 days until Christmas - obviously:)❤️

Rocky made my face out of ketchupπŸ˜‘πŸ€¦πŸΌ‍♀️😝🀣

Murphy is 10-1/2weeks old and he’s already a brute…and we mayyyy be making some headway on potty training!:)

We’re still plugging away at getting our house ready to sell and as you can see…that’s going very smoothlyπŸ˜‘πŸ™πŸ»πŸ˜¬πŸ€ͺ.

I was finally able to catch a few of my goddaughters volleyball games!! She is definitely approaching the age where their skills are improving and it’s getting more interesting/exciting to watch!:)

This transition to fall has been downright perfection!!

“This applies to sex, religious practices, relationship choices, lifestyle choices, and pharmaceutical choices.”

My body, my choice.
- people last year that support mandating an injection into all matter what...this yearπŸ˜’.

Living that vitamin life:)

Life is different now…I’m in need of a compost toilet!;) Hook a girl up!

Okay, IF our house sells quickly (gosh, - and for what we’re hoping to get - that would be the dream:), I might not be hosting our annual Holiday Wine Night…at least not at our current home. But this inspo made me think I could make it work at Chokecherry…maybe…somehow;).

You do...have.every.right.

Our flower garden is still thriving!!! 
Anyone know if it’s too late to order and get some tulips in the ground?! - my guess is yes (that it's too late;)…but hoping there’s still a window?


Smokey (and no less than 40 other cars in Clark County;) finally got fixed!! Hoping this helps with all the territory marking he’s been doing:/. 

Painting is on the agenda today…and every day until the end.of.time.:)

Me and my beautiful baby boy:)πŸ’™

Missing our boy, P:) But gosh darn, he’s doing an amazing job.

The Silent Parade…The Pledge of Allegiance, The National Anthem…healthcare workers, the police force + first responders - those upholding informed constant/serving and protecting…all hitting a bit different these days. Proud.

Next Colby School Board Meeting is on Thursday, October 21st. You don't have to stand-up or speak-out...just show up. If none of this sits right with you, come listen. Come hear what's being said and implemented in our schools. The fight isn't with each other, it's with the people/entities passing down 'rules' that don't make sense. Masking children is not necessary and I stand behind that wholeheartedly.

My helpers!:). I may ‘only’ have 2 at home but they might take the most energy;). Here we are grabbing totes for packing up the house next week!:)

Had School Conferences last week and it was good feedback across the board!!  

“Home is the safe place, parents the safe people. They can let it all out because mom and dad, while they may get angry, will not reject or abandon them.” - Motherly

Well…this had me laughing every time!!!;) - Obvs., not because it’s true, mom;)!!!:)

I’ve been doing Recess Duty at the school on Thursdays.
It’s cuteeee and a bit of a break from the homestead when my mom is able to watch kids so I can go alone:)

I want this. My face needssss this.

Baby girl is 16months:).

Jacob went to his first auction;). It is awesome and expensive - us both loving junk/treasures/antiques;).

Ooof. A few names come to mind immediately. 
This is coming from someone (ME) that is NOT doing much perfectly but who has never had any problem admitting/taking fault/ownership in my mistakes - and I did a lot of that over the last year. We seem to lack a lot of self-awareness these days.

And per usual…a quick blog post has turned into a BIG blog post that took the majority of my morning and a lot of ignoring of the children to accomplish!!;) Back to the kids and back to the painting!!:)

Happy Thursday, friends!

Friday, October 8, 2021


You guys…I’m teetering…on the brink of wanting a puppy!!!😬😝. You might be wondering what that has to do with this post - EVERYTHING! When I’m even slightly ‘bored’…I tend to fill that space with BIG ideas. 
So I’m trying to channel that energy into Chokecherry 

*EDIT: Since writing the above…we got a freaking puppy;). You knew I would;).

His name is Murphy and he’s a Saint Bernard. 
He is adorable and he is just the biggest ball of chill - exactly what we needed:). I imagine many years with him at Chokecherry!!

Okay, nothing else in this post is gonna be quite as cute as Murphy but I’m gonna try:).

As we’re nearing the ‘completion’ of 3rd Street, we’re starting to get those quotes and numbers and lists going for Chokecherry. In full transparency…we’re not sure what the heck we’re gonna do. Not sure what we’re gonna do when we sell our current home - where we’ll live?! Maybe we’ll get the basement at Chokecherry cleaned up and painted and sealed and live down there? Maybe we’ll clean up our airstream and live in that? Maybe we’ll break it to Court + Dave that their household just increased from 11 to 18 (plus 3 cats and a big-ass-dog;).
And then there are the quotes. Prices are still pretty high. The quotes for building a shed don’t give me the warm fuzzies (more like the pukies;). We started realizing - well, that’s a lie…we’ve been very realistic this entire time about how far money will go and we have always been prepared to be shocked at how little can be accomplished with a seemingly large amount of money (especially, when your Must Haves List includes a fence, wrap-around-deck, pony, solar panels, tractor and sauna;).

SO…for the last year?!…we’ve been determined to renovate the existing house. In the last 48hrs…we started wondering if we might reconsider tearing it down (eeekkkk - yeahhhh, sorry for the constant whiplash…Keeping It. Building. Renovating. Burning. Salvaging. New Build;)
There are so many pros and cons to both options and what it’s come down to is this:
When the money runs out…would we rather be in a not-so-renovated old farmhouse (that lacks character...for now) or in a kinda-cool-modern pole shed house (that also lacks character...for now - but that is NEW and CLEAN;).
So there you have it…we don’t know;).
We DO know we hope to have our house up for sale in the next 2weeks (I KNOWWWW…I have been saying that since May…and here we are…but we’re ready to give it a go. I think. I HOPE!:).

See you soon, Courts!!!;)πŸ˜˜πŸ‘«πŸ‘ΆπŸΌπŸ‘¦πŸΌπŸ‘¦πŸΌπŸ‘§πŸΌπŸ§‘πŸΌπŸ±πŸ±πŸ±πŸΆ❤️

All of the inspiration below was with a renovation in mind. With specific rooms in the farmhouse in mind. But they would work in any space:).

Love the earthy, white, and black…wood and airy and woodsy/plant vibe:)

That outdoor pizza oven…jeesh!!! IF we took the farmhouse down, we’d love to salvage a lot of brick for things just like that:)
These cabinets caught my eye. We currently have a painted kitchen - which we love - but I’d like to get back to something more natural.

My sister got me a subscription to House Beautiful and I’ve been finding SO much inspiration there!

My heart can never decide between moody OR light (neither can my attitude;).

We’re focusing on our current house but we also get out to Chokecherry to continue cleaning up! $65 in metal the other day!!!;)

I’ll admit that we don’t get out to Chokecherry as often as we’d like or should. Life has been crazy and we’re trying to focus on finishing our current house…so Chokecherry is often on the back burner. But no matter how often we get out there or how much time we spend there…it is a place that brings a lot of peace for me. I know I’m meant to spend some time there and maybe today we’ll take a drive:).

And as always…any insight or suggestions is ALWAYS welcomed! Comment here or head back to my Instagram (Ourchokecherry or HeyHickory) to comment!