Tuesday, August 31, 2021

CO Part1.


Jacob and I have been blessed with bad attitudes at opposite times while on vacations;). It's saved our asses endlessly. There are so many days while at home, that someones poor attitude drags the other right down with it...BUT not on vacation! We're the perfect tag team! Jacob stepping in just in time for me to lay down with Mae and me stepping in just as Jacob needs to step away from all.the.things;).

We made it all the way to our Airbnb in Nebraska...dead last;)...on day1. Court, Dave + Family had stayed here previously. It is THE coolest, biggest loft! We arrived with enough time to wander around town, fall in love with a couple little shops that were already closed and wouldn't open until after we'd left the next morning anddddd break just one glass;).

Jacob and I took note of some of our favorite shops - I wish I would have taken note of some of the funny things that were said and some of my favorite moments from the trip...BUT I freaking forgot:/. 
Our hope is that by next year we're IN Chokecherry...IN could mean a few different things to every different person butttt IN for me means I get to go antiquing/2nd hand shopping/flea marketing!!!!! Jacob suggested we sneak away for a week next year to revisit some of these stores (a lot of them that we never even got a chance to go in) to collect pieces for our Chokecherry Home!!!:)

view of mainstreet from the master bedroom.

view of the loft from main-street.

THE cutest little shop. Man. Having a little shop is still a wild dream of mine but shops like this keep that dream alive:)

yes...yes we do already live within 10min of each other but then travel 1400miles to live in the same space together for 10days;) 
PS. We.Love.It.

And that night in NE. At the loft. While I sat outside on the rooftop patio, sipping my tea and had a perfect view in through the big windows...you could hear the music going. Courts, Pigg + Lia moving around in the kitchen. Dad (Papa) playing cards with Coy + Rocky and Peyton + Tayt + Dave + Chris + Pigg. 
Definitely one of those time-standing-still moments...where you're VERY aware of how sweet your life is. We were beginning a vacation of firsts and lasts. Taking it all in...with a totally different perspective than last time...knowing we'd be sending Peyton off at the end of it.


Monday, August 23, 2021



Though the problems of the world are increasingly 
complex, the solutions remain embarrassingly simple. 
- Bill Mollison 

I thought my next post would be the start of a 3 to 10;) part series of our recent family vacation to Colorado BUT then I woke up feeling a million times better than yesterday and this feels like what needs to be shared TODAY!!:) 

A lot of what I’m sharing here is the reminder I needed for myself...to keep moving forward. And while I move forward and share these things or anything...I’m going to try to do it with a lot of humility and without berating anyone who feels differently. Just last year I thought I was ‘right’ and a lot of other people were ‘wrong’. I couldn’t feel further from that mindset today and I extended some apologies for those I criticized along the way. 

SO...here’s what’s on my heart (and boob;) this morning!!! Anyone else trying to break themselves of the habit of sleeping in the week before school starts...?!! - just me?;)!

14mo and still going strong!:) And look at that little smirk!!;):)

Homer’s first year of football and first game 8/21/21.

Homer’s the one with the ball in this short clip!!:) 
Sorry for leaving in the audio, Gerd;). And thanks to Brynn for catching this play!!

just reordered this eye cream from The Inkey List.

got to SEE Peyton on Sunday 8/22/21.❤️.

Courts sent over some real thinkers this morning and boy did it help put things in perspective. 

I know I’ve mentioned before that I’m not a ‘religious’ person but there has definitely been a shift for me in that over the last few years. Covid has been a nightmare for so so many reasons but I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that it’s brought so many good things to light for us as well.

handmade mug I purchased while in Colorado:)

this mornings Venmo transfer:)✨

what I’m currently reading! Homegrown & Handmade.

loved this information on what to plant based on your needs!

more Chokecherry inspiration!!! 
Man, I’m anxious to get started out there!

agreed, Frank.

the deer have been eating like kings at Chokecherry!:/ 
Finally got a fence around our ‘orchard’:)

we may know what needs to be done but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to DO what needs to be done! 

Did you know that over 75% of those hospitalized with Covid were considered overweight or obese? CDC

Friday, August 20, 2021

here I am.

I’ve been offline for just over a week now. I just got done yelling at the kids to “STOP YELLING STOP!!” Oh, the irony;). Regardless, I feel like this break has already made me a better mom...if only a more engaged one:). 

Who knew I actually DID have time to ‘guard doorways’ with assigned passwords like: Ninja and Log Butt;). Theo and I husked corn in the kitchen. I read aloud to Jacob from a new book while he made supper. I’ve nursed Mae with no To Do List or agenda or scrolling. Homer and I got school supplies and chatted about football. I watched Ikes face intently while he told a story that I could only partially decipher but that was veryyyy intense;). I held Rocky for as long as he needed after a spill on his bike:).

I’ve listened to 90’s country and cried for Peyton:’). Our boy joined the army and has been in GA for approximately 1 lifetime (aka. 24hrs;) and boy, does life feel completely altered in his absence.

While I wrote this (with pen and paper) I made supper. While I made supper, Mae threw soil out of my plant, ripped socks out of the basket and emptied the Tupperware tops out of the cabinet. Three steps forward...

In the last week we returned from another bi-annual Zimmerman-Family-Fun-Trip and I couldn’t tell you if it was better than the last because they were both so damn good! I’m hoping to share a lot of photos here soon...and nowwwww what was meant to be a quick “Hi, There!” blogpost is getting pretty out of control;). But here’s a quick recap of this last week!

we may have gotten more tattoos:)

we may have said our goodbyes in a tattoo shop parking lot:’)

theo lost ANOTHER tooth!!

we found a mask-free library (for now).

football season has begun and we’ve got some newbies!!

we’re reaping the rewards of Mallory’s garden!

We’re trying to purchase local and small and buy fresh and learn and grow and SO much more to come on that:). I’m currently reading (out-loud:): Homegrown & Handmade, A Practical Guide to More Self-Reliant Living.

i’m still finding inspiration for Chokecherry everywhere:)

I still find myself passionate about some pretty touchy topics.  I don’t want to be someone who is upsetting anyone with my perspective and beliefs...but I suppose that’s inevitable. We aren’t meant to agree on everything. Cripes, the most beautiful thing about each of us is how unique we are:). How could we ever impose a one-size-fits-all rule/solution/law?

I’m happy to report that I STILL and most likely, will always, oppose mandates - whether those already in place or those trying to be imposed.
Medical Freedom...well, Freedom in general, has creeped its way pretty high on my priorities list:). With most things, it took personal experience to bring our freedoms to my attention. To wake me up to their importance. 

I think I can trace that back to the year of the mishandling of my multiple miscarriages and then Covid happened and then Mae’s Homebirth and now Peyton joining the Army.
You guys, we have a freaking flag flying on our house now! I’m embarrassed to admit that more than a year ago...I would have been embarrassed to have a flag flying on our home:/. I’m proud of our home - the one with the roof over our head and the country we’re in. I’m proud of Peyton. That doesn’t have to mean I agree or feel things are being done perfectly because they certainly are not...

Okay...if you haven’t given up on me entirely, I’ll wrap this up;). The thing about social media and what I’m trying to change about my own life is my face-to-face/human interactions. Directly in front of someone, across the table, over a cup of coffee...usually, the assumptions and the hostility and the things we thought held all the weight on how we feel about about a person...have a better chance of melting away. I don’t think we are the sum of our political beliefs. And I don’t think we can do a good enough job expressing our thoughts on our entirely unique and personal health decisions in a meme online. We are far too complex for Instagram and although, I have plans to come back eventually ...for now, I hope to SEE people. 

I don’t know what it’ll look like or how to even begin...but I’m going to start by writing and sharing those thoughts here - don’t worry, it won’t alllllll center around Covid;). Ultimately, I hope that this leads to me showing up...in person, face-to-face. I want anyone who feels similar to know that you’re not alone. You’re not selfish or stupid for questioning or disagreeing with what’s happening in our world right now. I know you have your reasons for choosing the path you have for yourself and your family and those reasons are valid and no one else’s business. - that goes for everyone...not just someone who feels similarly to me

Nothing in life comes without risk. Just walking out the door every morning will come with choices and consequence. But man...every one of our stories is needed here. 

 “Nobody is superior. Nobody is inferior. 
But nobody is equal either. People are simply unique, incomparable. You are you, I am I.”
                                                      - Osho